My Leap to the Rim – Jacob

Artist Statement:
When I first started thinking of a senior project I thought about basketball and my love for it. I wanted to find a way in which I could do what I always wanted to: forget about school for a little bit and just train 24/7. Through this idea came my essential question: What steps can I take to perfect my craft, so that I can become a better player and pursue my passion of playing basketball at the professional level? With this question in mind I planned to train rigorously. I would work 7 hours a day for three days each week or I would stretch the hours to 4 days depending on how I felt that week. I wanted to get better at shooting and dunking as well as just become a more efficient scorer. To do this, I designed a lot of drills in which consistency was prioritized. I made sure that I made a certain percentage of my attempts before moving on, or else I would start over. I also did some calisthenic workouts and a little weight training just to stay in shape. Although I had this essential question that I was working under, I was still unsure of what it was I would learn. There wasn’t a specific answer or thing other than just becoming better and more well rounded. However, as this experience went on I found myself with another question: What are my limits when it comes to basketball or training? This question also proved troublesome for me to answer because I found that whenever I thought I had reached my limit, or was too tired to continue for the day, I would continue pushing myself and didn’t quit until it got dark out. It is because of this that I don’t think I ever found a limit, along with the fact that I was continuously getting better. Perhaps this is what I wished to know: if I had it in me to keep forging forward or if I had grown content with my current skill level.

Check out my Youtube Channel: @Official Jacob_McKinnon