Narrative Storytelling through Music – Dominic & Gus

How can we tell a compelling narrative/tell a story through music in a time of quarantine?
The following songs are the result of six weeks of experimentation and musical dialogue between us. All the risks we took, the ideas we thought would sound awful but ended up sounding halfway decent, the ideas we were more confident using – they are all folded into these three songs.
That sounds a little dramatic, but to a certain extent it’s true. These songs are a document of the past six weeks of senior project for us. They represent the culmination of our senior year, and with Covid-19 preventing us from meeting with you all in person to take these songs apart, they must stand alone, unsupported by all but this statement.
So let’s use the rest of it to talk about the songs directly. What do they sound like? Psychedelic, for sure. Going into April, we wanted to make music that could appeal to the heart with pop-adjacent vocals and instrumental phrases, while giving the mind plenty of ear-candy to chew up in the form of punchy drums, deep bass and a bed of shifting tones and textures. It’s music that you can get lost in if you put in earbuds and go for a walk (we hope!), or it can be the backdrop for a hangout with friends, whatever you want really, it’s your choice and we think you’ll enjoy it in both contexts.
We could write more, but I think it’s better to let the music speak for itself, right? You’ll get more out of the ten-or-so minutes of music we’ve got here than any statement we could write explaining it, so get to it! Thanks for listening.
Gus and Dom