Through Our Eyes: Generation Z – Ari

Artist Statement:
Over the course of the last two months I was able to work on and complete four separate projects. My initial project reflects my ambition for wanting to make a short film documentary that I had never had the time to do before. After much debate I decided to make a documentary about the coronavirus, but through the lens and perspective of me and my peers. I threw myself into this film with the help of online courses and independent research and was able to craft my documentary from scratch. The gear I used to complete this documentary was mostly my own and did not pose limitations during the creative process. All the other small video projects done previously helped prepare me for this documentary. I experimented with camera cuts, music, color correction and applied what I learned from prior experiences. While facing challenges with having zoom interviews, I was careful to direct my interviewees as much as I could to influence their backgrounds as if I were there. This project taught me the importance of collaboration. The relationship between the filmmaker and the subject of the film is often overlooked. Through this process, I found it was the driving force in completing the final project.
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