Trip Social Media Feed

Penn 馃殏 -> D.C. / Baltimore. LREI HS students are making the trip to study public and charter schools with a focus on privatization, schools to prison, restorative justice, and school-based activism #lreiJRtrip #actionsspeaklouderthanwords #lreiHS #lrei #socialjustice @feministteacher @micahdov #lreibaldc
Group shot from this morning’s visit to @wholewomans Austin clinic. Amazing day on the #lreijrtrip #keeplreiweird #lreiaustin
Live from Seattle – Flip through our gallery from the Pacific Northwest: Proud of our HS students demonstrating social justice in action #lrei #lreiHS #socialjustice #democracynow #progressiveeducation @pkassen @micahdov @chapchapman1 @silberbergmark
Luncheon for @annieslisttx – now on our way to the state house. #lreijrtrip #keeplreiweird
11th graders @lrei learning about environmental justice for Native American People’s in Widow Rock, AZ #lreijrtrip
Students from @lrei painting a banner for the Climate Change march on Saturday for @EnoughPie of Charleston #lreijrtrip
#Repost of @unl_casnr The Little Red School House and Elisabeth Irwin High School stopped by campus to learn about food production. The group visited with our food science, agronomy and horticulture, and animal science departments. Great conversations were had about the #agriculture industry and where their food comes from! #lreijrtrip #UNL #UNLCASNR
#lreijrtrip #lrei at Window Rock Arch, Native American Rights and Environmental Justice @chriskeimig @awisbell
Amazing start to our education justice trip to Baltimore. Our first visit was with @studentsagainstrapeculture at@friendsbalt where we talked school based activism on rape culture, sexual harassment in schools, sex education, #BlackLivesMatter and #SayHerName. #lreiJRtrip #edujustice #staywoke
Peer to peer conversations about school based activism between @lrei and@friendsbalt and their @studentsagainstrapeculture group #lreiJRtrip #edujustice #staywoke#HSfeminism
Tremendous thanks to Professor Kaye Whitehead (@blackmommyactivist) at@loyolamaryland for a great workshop on op-ed writing as a form of activism. #lreiJRtrip #edujustice #staywoke
Our education justice group had an intense and powerful discussion with student leaders from Frederick Douglass High School about everything from metal detectors in schools, to the need for more faculty of color, to the Baltimore uprising and the criminalization of black students in schools. #lreiJRtrip #edujustice#staywoke
Our education justice group had an intense and powerful discussion with student leaders from Frederick Douglass High School about everything from metal detectors in schools, to the need for more faculty of color, to discipline policies, to the Baltimore uprising and the criminalization of black students in schools. Students at Douglass had been accused of starting the uprising and were surrounded by the National Guard for weeks. They are surveilled at all times by the police state, and are forbidden from going to the Mandawmin Mall across the street. The late Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall is an alum from 1925. One of our students said, “It was like looking in the mirror, I could be one of the students we met today.” #lreiJRtrip #edujustice#staywoke
Super informative and thoughtful visit with the students and faculty at D.C. International (@dcinternationalschool), a charter school in D.C. with an IB program and restorative justice practices. Tremendous thanks to @gmg16 for arranging class visits, tours, and conversations. #lreiJRtrip #edujustice
At @naraltx volunteering. Check out the hands after putting together yard signs. #lreijrtrip #keeplreiweird
With the @naraltx team this morning. They were amazing! #lreijrtrip #keeplreiweird
Visiting @jfarrardist148 office, our last stop on this amazing trip. Cc: @cecileonroad #lreijrtrip #keeplreiweird
We visited classes at Ron Brown High School (@rbhsmonarchs), the first all boys public high school in D.C. #lreiJRtrip#edujustice
Our final school visit during our education justice trip to Washington, D.C., was to Ron Brown High School, @rbhsmonarchs, the first all boys public high school in D.C. We spoke to them about restorative justice, curriculum development, and faculty hiring. #lreiJRtrip #edujustice
Walk and talk #edujustice #lreiJRtrip @lrei
Arturo and I are the trip leaders for the education justice group from @lrei #edujustice #lreiJRtrip
Our education justice group visit with @ywp_dc tied all of the themes of the trip together using an intersectional feminist lens #edujustice#lreiJRtrip #staywoke
Monday’s sunrise drive to JFK heading to Seattle along with 12 juniors and @jessicaacee to study the city’s push for new models for policing and building trust between law enforcement and community #lreijrtrip
Police reform panel with members of Seattle PD, Department of Justice, Seattle City Attorney, and court-appointed monitors discussing Seattle’s history of unconstitutional police practices and the 2012 consent decree mandating reforms. “There’s no separation between good policing and constitutional policing.” “‘Law and order’ is not the same thing as justice.” On why SPD refuses to enforce federal immigration laws: “Threat of deportation chills people’s willingness to report crimes or give testimony…We’ve seen victims walk away rather than report crimes. It’s making us all less safe.” #lreijrtrip #lrei2seattle
Talking restorative justice, peacemaking, and healing circles as a way to disrupt school-to-prison pipeline with students from King County Juvenile Justice Steering Committee and founder of Community Passageways: “When you have a genuine experience with people, a light goes on that can’t be turned off.” #lreijrtrip #lrei2seattle
Spent much of Thursday at the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission learning about the center’s focus on reframing and retraining police as guardians of democracy rather than warriors and enforcers. We sat in on de-escalation training, shoot/don’t shoot simulators, and spoke to trainers and recruits. Executive Director Sue Rahr (a member of Obama’s 21st Century Task Force on Policing) asked our students for feedback and suggestions based on what we saw and for advice on building trust between police and communities of color. Needless to say, we had thoughts. #lreijrtrip #lrei2seattle